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St Swithuns CE Primary School

Collective Worship

Ofsted: ‘[Children] enjoy assemblies when they learn about the different religions of their friends in the school.  Leaders have created an environment which has nurtured pupils’ inquisitiveness and interest about the diverse wider world.’ 

The School’s Collective Worship follows the Church Year.  We have a daily act of Worship as follows:

  • Monday – Whole School Assembly led by Headteacher to introduce the theme of the week
  • Tuesday – Whole school assembly led by our local curate/Open the Book/Singing assembly
  • Wednesday – Key stage assemblies led by Key stage leads
  • Thursday – Class Worship when children are giving an opportunity to reflect on the theme of the week and what it means to them.
  • Friday – Whole School Celebration Assembly led by the Headteacher to bring the week to a close

Worship uses a range of stimuli including bible stories, film, props, acting, poems etc and children are given opportunities to perform. In Year 6, children can apply to be Worship Leaders and they start each assembly by lighting the candles. They often say the prayer at the end.  Each worship has a moment of reflection as well as a prayer and an opportunity to sing.  Music for the beginning and end of Worship – together with the hymn/song – are chosen to tie in with the theme of the week. 

Ofsted: ‘Assemblies provide pupils with enjoyable and memorable opportunities to perform.’

All prayers start with the words: ‘I am going to say a prayer and, if you could like to make it your prayer, please say Amen at the end.


For further information, please see attached Policy:

Collective Worship Policy

Worship at our local church

We hold an annual Harvest Festival Celebration for Early Years and Key Stage one in St Swithun’s hurch  well as a Carol Service for years 3/4 and 5/6 to which parents and Governors are invited.

The end of the school year is also marked with a service at St. Swithun’s to which year 6 parents and Governors are invited.