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St Swithuns CE Primary School


It is very exciting that we now include an NHS backed, award winning mental health and wellbeing programme in our school curriculum.  We launched myHappymind in January 2025 to support all members of our school community in understanding their own wellbeing and how they can employ strategies to support this.

What is myHappymind at St. Swithun’s?

The science-backed programme for schools is grounded in the latest research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing.  It is taught to every child and there’s a curriculum for every year group from Early Years to Year 6. 

The staff section of the programme includes a CPD certified staff wellbeing programme for themselves, designed to inform and inspire and which looks behind the science of happiness.  Every member of staff has access to this.  In addition, there is also access to mini masterclasses which supports with deepening knowledge and understanding of areas that children may find challenges, such as separation anxiety, emotional based school avoidance, managing big emotions and neurodiversity.

Parents and carers have access to the myHappymind Parent App, which encourages the embedding of the language and learning for children when they are at home.  There are two main categories of the Parent App:

  • What’s my child been learning, which is delivered in bite-sized chunk video content supporting parents and carers to understand the science of what is being taught.
  • Activities at home – there are many different activities parents and carers can engage with alongside their child/ren such as breathing exercises, songs and stories.

Parents and Carers - to access the Parent App, please click on the link here or scan the QR code below.  You will need to use the school’s personal URN code that was sent out via the myHappymind letter, emailed on 08.01.24.  Alternatively please contact the office and they will happily let you know what this is.


What are the key philosophies of myHappymind?

The myHappymind programmes are underpinned by five key philosophies:













What will my child be learning?

The children’s programme is taught from nursery to year 6, every Monday morning.  Over the course of a year, the programme covers five modules, which progress year on year for the different ages. 


Lessons in the EYFS are based on storytelling and play, using some great resources including teddies and games. 

From years 1-6, the content is more structured and follows a lesson-based approach, which are packed with quizzes, talk time, animations and activities.  In addition, children will all have a journalling time using their own myHappymind journal, which is a space for them to log their learning, their own thoughts and feelings.

Year 6 are also supported with a 12 week/ session transition focus, and using the structure of the five modules, helps equip them for the move to secondary school.  For this, there is an additional journal, which also doubles up as a wellbeing planner.

My Happy Mind Book

To delve deeper finding out more about myHappymind, Founder, Laura Earnshaw, has written a bestselling book ‘My Happy Mind’, which reveals the science behind the programme and to empower and educate parents and carers.  This book is available from Amazon here or we have some copies available at school should you wish to borrow.  Please see reception about this.

More information:

myHappymind homepage

myHappymind 2024 impact report

Technical support with Parent App