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St Swithuns CE Primary School

Eco Crew News

Our Eco Crew met this week and have decided that as a school they would like us to be one of the first schools to make a change and inspire other schools to follow in their goal to SAVE TREES! 

At their assembly yesterday, they shared these interesting facts: ‘Did you know that over 300,000 trees a year are cut down to make Christmas cards? Producing the paper needed to create the cards contributes to deforestation, which could wipe out the world’s biodiversity that live in and depend on these forests. One billion Christmas Cards end up in the bin each year and the third of cards, which are not recycled, end up in landfills. If we were to assume that every child gave a card to friends in their class and the teachers, as a school we would give out at least 12,000 cards!’

Our Eco Crew have therefore concluded that it would be better for the environment not to send Christmas cards to friends and teachers at school, but instead, say it in person. However, if you and your children have been super organised and already written out cards then please do not worry and cards will be both celebrated and gratefully received!