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St Swithuns CE Primary School


Please find all our school policies under the Policies Page of the website, including the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Keeping Children Safe in Education and E-Safety Policy.

Safeguarding Curriculum

Please see further useful links at the end of this page.

St Swithun’s CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, governors, volunteers, parents/carers and visitors to share this commitment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. All of our safeguarding related polices are available to read on the school website on either the Policies or Safeguarding page. Alternatively a hard copy can be requested from the school office. 

Our Child Protection Designated staff are:

  • Claire Serle - Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Caroline Knighton - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Fiona Bethel - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Sally Arul - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child please speak directly to a designated member of staff.

Please read on and find more safeguarding help and guidance - we hope that you will find this useful.

Prevent Strategy

As part of St Swithun’s Primary School’s commitment to safeguarding and child protection we fully support the government's Prevent Strategy, and take guidance from Teaching Approaches to help build resilience to extremism.

What is the Prevent Strategy?

The Prevent strategy is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It:

  • responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views
  • provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support
  • works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health

Please click here for a link to the official government document.


Children at St Swithun’s School use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning. In school we are determined to teach the children the need to keep themselves safe online.

We have a thorough filtering service that allows us to have access to many online resources, but equally filters inappropriate material to provide us with safe and suitable materials. However, at home sometimes children can be given unsupervised access to the Internet. This, potentially, allows them to access all kinds of society (both good and bad) and bring them virtually into their homes.

Please refer to our Policies page for more information.

Here are some tips and useful links to help you to keep your children safe online:

  • Explore e-safety sites? - There are lots of links to useful e-safety sites for children they are great fun to explore, so why not browse through them with your children?
  • Facebook / Bebo / Myspace - Many of these sites have a minimum age limit of 13, so our pupils should NOT be using them. They do not offer sufficiently adequate levels of protection, allowing children to communicate with anyone.
  • Keep your computer in a shared area - Talk to your child about what they are doing online and, if possible, set up your computer in a shared area at home so that you can all share in the wonderful sites that are available.

Download these e-safety posters and put one up next to the computer at home and talk about it with your children.

E-Safety Poster 4-7 Year Olds

E-Safety Poster 7-11 Year Olds


Some useful links for more information

Think U Know - containing internet safety advice for those aged from 5 to 16, along with parents and teachers, this site is produced by CEOP (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre).

Internet Safety Zone - Look in the 'Under 13s' section for useful safety advice and information.

Childnet- An award-winning internet safety programme for children.?

Bullying UK - Information and advice about bullying for children, parents and schools.

Kidscape - An organisation which helps to prevent bullying and child abuse.

Childline - ChildLine is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK.

CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe

Child Privacy - Guidelines for how to maintain your child's privacy online