Home School Agreement
How can I find out how my child is doing?
We are firmly committed to the view that a close working relationship with parents will benefit your child's education. Furthermore, good communication between home and school contributes to the quality of this partnership.
We set out below some ways in which parents and teachers communicate with each other.
Urgent message for class teacher:
If you need to send an urgent message to your child's class teacher, please call the school office on 01865 415 105 or email reception on reception@st-swithuns.oxon.sch.uk . This message will then be forwarded to the teacher with immediate effect.
Informal Talks with Staff:
Teachers are usually available to talk to parents after school except on Tuesdays, when we meet at 3.30pm for a Staff Meeting. If a longer time is needed, arrangements may be made to consult your child's teacher at a mutually convenient time.
Informal Talks with the Headteacher:
Mrs Knighton is always pleased to see parents, if she is free. Otherwise, please make an appointment through the School Office. We hope you will not hesitate to discuss any worries or concerns with our staff or Headteacher. We feel a problem is generally easier solved when dealt with in the early stages.
Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings:
Meetings are held early in the Autumn term and in the Spring term as an opportunity to discuss your child's progress towards their targets.
Children's Reports:
These are sent to parents in the Summer term and a meeting can be arranged with your child's class teacher, if needed. Parents are invited and encouraged to make their own comments about their child's progress on the accompanying slips and return these to the school.
Reading Link Books:
These diaries are a means of communication about your child's progress in reading; we hope that parents will contribute to their child's book on a regular basis. Link Books are mainly in use in younger classes.
School Newsletters:
Tuesday Newsday is sent to parents every week via parentmail giving details of events and news about the school. A copy of the current Newsletter can be found on our website here: Newsletters.
Please refer to the section on 'Parent Mail' to find out more.